Ranneeti Digital Marketing

Why Do Political Digital Marketing?

Imagine if you were running an election campaign for years rather than for months. The things you would learn about communicating with the electorate and convincing them of your candidacy! Well, the digital marketing industry has been doing just about the same thing in a business context ever since digital became part of our lives. Integrated campaigning takes the lessons learned from digital marketing and applies them to political campaigns that have to fire up their communication efforts in a short space of time.

Integrated campaigning is about seeing all of your campaign activities as being connected. They function together to feed information into the campaign which then gets interpreted into messaging that is disseminated out to the electorate. The graphic below should help to visualize this.

political digital marketing

Use Canvassing Data To Shape Your Digital Campaign

There is a reservation when it comes to political advertising and how best to use it without being intrusive. At Ecanvasser we want to help you build better relationships with your voters and give them the information that they actually need, not what you think they need.

Working on a comprehensive outreach plan to help gather as much useful data as possible will help in the long run. Using the information you gather, you can then form better messages for certain segments of your voters. Like I said, give people what they actually want.


Information In

  • Voter data files
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Field Operations

Information Out

  • Branding
  • Content
  • Ads
  • Social
  • Email
  • Canvassing
  • Messaging
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The Concept of a Candidate Profile Page

One of the most commonly asked questions we get at Ecanvasser after campaigning advice is how to set up a Facebook page. We often forget that many people may not get into politics until their later years and suddenly they are bombarded with all the ways they can gather support through social media platforms.

Facebook for Political Campaigns

Running Facebook in the run-up to an election is one of the most basic of campaign tactics, but it's often a tactic that many campaigns still get wrong. Here we're going to share with you the basic steps of getting your first Facebook campaign up and running.

First though, let’s take a look at why you might do this. The main reason for running an ad campaign is to get your campaign message out to your voters. Facebook is still the best way of reaching people because it has the greatest reach among potential voters and it can be targeted very specifically by voter locations, demographics and interests. The other reason we always recommend FB as a starting point for social media ads is that it is really easy to use and, once you are set up you can push out ads very quickly in response to changing campaign issues.

Twitter for Political Campaigns

Running Twitter in the run-up to an election is one of the most basic campaign tactics but one that many campaigns still get horribly wrong. Here, we are going to go over the how-to of getting your first Twitter campaign up and running.

First though, let’s take a look at why you might do this. The main reason for running an ad campaign is to get your message out there to your voters. For this, Twitter is still the best way of reaching people because it has the greatest reach among voters and it can be targeted very specifically by geography and voter demographics.

The other reason we would always recommend Twitter as a starting point for social media ads is that it is really easy to use and, once you are set up you can push out ads very quickly in response to changing campaign issues.


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